“I never let my schooling interfere with my education.” 

------Mark Twain

        白骑士集团为每一位希望在全球顶级名企开启自己职业生涯的客户精心打造“商业精英计划”。目标行业涵盖投资银行(IBD)、私募股权基金/风险投资基金(PE&VC)、资产管理(Asset Management)和咨询(Consulting)四大领域。






Top CompaniesOffer 
Morgan Stanley (Including JV)259
Goldman Sachs (Including JV)193
McKinsey & Company106

Once on Wall Street and at Canary Wharf, we all went through mandatory training consisting of crash courses on finance and accounting, which sought to teach us the skill set necessary to become effective investment bankers. Months into the job, however, even the limitations of this training were revealed. Actual client situations and deal complexities, combined with evolving market conditions, accounting guidelines, and technologies stretched our knowledge base and skills. In these situations, we were forced to consult with senior colleagues for guidance, but often the demands of the job left no one accessible in a timely manner. Given these realities, it is difficult to overstate how helpful a reliable practical training programme based on years of “best practices” and deal experience would have been.
We believe this traing programme will prove invaluable to those individuals seeking or beginning careers on Wall Street or at Canary Wharf—from students at undergraduate universities and graduate schools to “career changers” looking to break into finance. Our experience has demonstrated that given the highly specialized nature of many finance jobs, there are noticeable gaps in skill sets that need to be addressed. Furthermore, many professionals seek to continuously brush up on their skills as well as broaden and refine their knowledge base. This traning programme will also be highly beneficial for trainers and trainees at financial service firms, both within the context of formal training programs and informal on-the-job training.
Latest Training Information
Valuation techniques for M&A, IPO and LBO
Working templates of Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Charles L
Vice President
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Number of Students:
4th February, 11th February, 18th February, 25th February
9:00 am to 12:00 am
Sainsbury Building SG07, London Business School, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4SA, United Kingdom